Created in the Image of God

We have a hand crafted metal item that took hours upon hours to craft together. If the artist would have got paid a decent wage by the hour it would be worth a fortune.

Our Creator God hand crafted us together in our mother’s womb. In the Book Of Psalms, it says, “God knitted us together in our mother’s womb. Knitting is fine artistry with much time and talent involved before the item is complete.

We as human beings are very valuable even beyond our own knowledge. We are not necessarily so valuable because of what we can do or say but because we were created in the image of God. Sad news is mankind has always sold it’s soul out to sin and the devil because it seemed more natural and more pleasurable of a life, then one day we realized we sold out way too cheap and were on the wrong path to life.

You are precious and valuable, you were put together by the Father of Love, Forgiveness, Hope, and Faith, you are redeemed if you want to be when you confess your need of a Savior, all because He loves you and I broken people.