Crowe Strikes Out Four, Allows 0 Walks

This past week the Spartans took on Chadron, Gordon and went to the Rapid City Black Hills Veterans Classic, where they ended the week with a 6-10 record.
The Spartans went to Chadron on May 31, where they shut out the Chadron FNBO. The Spartans defeated Chadron with a score of Chadron 0, Spartans 8. The Spartans got their offense started quickly, scoring two runs. Landen Crowe led the Spartans in the Chadron game, where he struck out four Chadron players and walked none over three and two-thirds innings.
Tyzen Brown led the Spartans in hits as he went two for three from the plate. The Spartans did not commit a single error on the field that night.
The Spartans went to Gordon on June 1, where they took on the Security First Regulators. The Spartans got the win with a score of Gordon 3 and Alliance 4. It was a close game where anyone could have won. The Spartans had been trailing Gordon up to the top of the fifth inning, where they evened the score and then took the lead. Brantz Halouska led the Spartans striking out two Gordon players and allowing zero hits and zero runs over one inning. Kellen Muhr and Kaden Ferguson came out of the bullpen to help the Spartans close out Gordon. Muhr got the last six outs saving the Spartans from a loss.
The Spartans got six hits that night, where Landen Crowe and Mario Garza led for hits, both getting two hits.
The Spartans headed to Rapid City for the Rapid City Black Hills Veterans Classic from June 2-5, where they couldn’t get a win in the tourney, coming out of the tourney 0-5. In the first game, the Spartans took on the Gillette Riders. Coming up short with a score of Spartans 1, Gillette 7. The Spartans had a challenging match against Gillette, where Landen Crowe surrendered seven runs over seven hits over six innings.
The Spartans’ second game of the day was against the 406 Flyers, where they got handed their second loss, 406 Flyers 9, Spartans 4. The Spartans fell behind early in the second inning. The Flyers managed to get five runs compared to the Spartans one. Nick Wright lasted three innings allowing six hits and five runs. Espen Lanik, Tyzen Brown, Kaden Ferguson and Brantz Halouska led the Spartans with hits, all managing to get one hit apiece. That was the last game of the day for the Spartans. They would call it a night and get ready for the next day.
Next, Alliance took on Haswell Construction, where they got shut out with a score of Alliance 0, Haswell 12. The Spartans fell behind early once again, where they could just not come up with anything to contain Haswell’s offense giving up 12 runs in the first three innings. Alliance pitcher Jakob Callan surrendered eight runs and seven hits over two innings. Espen Lanik and Jakob Callan led with hits, getting one hit each.
The Spartans’ second game of the day was against Sturgis Post 33, where Alliance was looking to recover. They played neck and neck with Sturgis through the first four innings but couldn’t manage to get the job done, ending the game with a loss, Alliance 9, Sturgis 12.

Despite Alliance’s loss, they did have six hits in this higher-scoring game. Sturgis scored four runs in the fifth inning, which ended up winning over Alliance. Pitcher Kellen Muhr surrendered two hits and seven runs. Jakob Callan, Caeson Clarke, Tyzen Brown, Mario Garza, Brantz Halouska and Kaden Ferguson led with one hit each. It was the Spartan’s final game of the day.
It was the last day of the tournament and the Spartans played their final game against the Outlaws. It was a tough loss for the Spartans. They lost the lead in the fifth inning after leading the whole game. The final score was Spartans 7, Outlaws 10. Ethan Little Hoop surrendered three hits and three runs. The Spartans racked up a total of 14 hits. Tyzen Brown led Alliance with four hits in five at bats.