Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time is almost upon us! We move our clocks up one-hour early Sunday morning. First off, it seems like we get more sun out of the day this way, but of course, it doesn’t matter how we set our clocks we still get the amount of sun we’re supposed to get from the sun. But by moving them up an hour, the sun is still up into the early evening hours. People tend to get more done during the day with this “extra” amount of daytime. Also, energy use is held down more since lights all across the U.S. are turned on later, but the bedtimes remain the same. People also stay outdoors longer with the extended daylight hours so not as many televisions are on, not as many stoves are on, and other amenities aren’t being used so more power is being saved there. Studies have also shown that with darkness coming at a later hour, car accidents and burglaries don’t happen as often as when nighttime comes a lot earlier. So, as you can see, there are quite a few benefits to Daylight Saving Time. One last thing, this is a great time to change out the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors!

Weather Last Week

February 24: 26/65/0”

February 25: 25/68/0”

February 26: 23/51/0”

February 27: 17/64/0”

February 28: 25/59/0”

March 1: 18/65/0”

March 2: 22/61/0”

Forecast discussion for the week ahead:

After a chance for some snow mixing in with rain to round out the week, high pressure will build back in and we’ll dry out for the weekend and much of next week. Temperatures will be chilly Thursday and Friday, but we warm up for the weekend with the spring-like temperatures coming back for a while.