Defending Our Country

Last week, the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) advanced its annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This bill, which we must pass every year, sets our policies and spending priorities for the military. Most importantly, this year’s NDAA supports an increase in pay levels for our service men and women by over five percent.

This is just one example of how those of us on the committee worked hard to create a bipartisan package that will defend our nation from the many threats we face.

Earlier this year, a Chinese spy balloon flew into American airspace, raising alarm about the surveillance tactics of the Chinese Communist Party. We’ve seen more Chinese military craft coming dangerously close to our airplanes and ships, trying to taunt our military. And in February, U.S. Strategic Command confirmed publicly that China is in possession of more intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launchers than the United States.

The fact is the global threat environment we face is only growing more dangerous. That’s why as a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, I led multiple NDAA provisions that will tackle national security challenges head on.

This includes provisions to accelerate the modernization of our nuclear triad — our land, air, and sea-based nuclear weapons. These deterrents are the bedrock of our national security.

The Biden administration has tried to cancel nuclear weapon systems like the Sea-Launched Cruise Missile (SLCM) program, but I successfully fought to keep this program online and properly funded. I also secured provisions to support the Sentinel program, which involves the Air Force replacing our intercontinental ballistic missile weapon systems located across the country – including in Western Nebraska. This project is the most significant and complex weapon system in recent U.S. history.

These military capabilities are essential to keeping adversaries like China and Russia in check.

Since I was elected to the Senate in 2012, I’ve advocated to expand our munitions production capacity for this very reason. I continued this advocacy in this year’s NDAA, which includes provisions I led to expand munitions acquisitions. If we can’t quickly produce the systems we need to defend this country, our nation’s safety is in jeopardy.

I also extended a provision I first introduced last year that prohibits the U.S. Department of Defense from participating in entertainment projects with ties to the Chinese government. The Chinese Communist Party often looks to leverage its economic ties to Hollywood to pre-emptively censor “threatening” content and promote pro-China propaganda. I think we can all agree U.S. taxpayer dollars should never be involved in such anti-American messaging efforts.

I always consider the important role Nebraska and our various military assets play in defending this nation when I write, discuss, and vote on legislation.

The FY 2024 NDAA supports our proud military institutions like STRATCOM and Offutt Air Force Base. Offutt is home to a wide range of operations, from the 55th Wing to Air Force Weather Agency and the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA). This NDAA includes critical authorizations for all of these important groups.

I also worked to ensure this NDAA authorizes a series of military construction projects across Nebraska: the National Guard Readiness Center in Bellevue, Greenlief Training Site, Mead Training Site, the National Guard Vehicle Maintenance Shop in North Platte, and several based at Offutt. Our National Guard is a vital force of readiness for our country, and I will always fight to keep the Guard secure.

These provisions will help us strengthen our national defense, which I consider my most important duty as a member of the Senate. While the NDAA has a ways to go before it passes both chambers of Congress and is signed into law, I’m proud of the progress my colleagues and I have made. I look forward to continuing my work on the Armed Services Committee to protect Nebraskans and Americans as a whole. Rest assured: I will always work to advance our national defense.

Thank you for participating in the democratic process. I look forward to visiting with you again next week.