Delsing Re-elected as Nebraska Wheat Board Chair

The Nebraska Wheat Board (NWB) held their first quarter meeting on Aug. 3, in North Platte. The meeting included the swearing in of Rick Dunbar as representative of District 7, updates from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, a strategic planning discussion and the election of this year’s Chair and Vice Chair.

Bob Delsing, of Hemingford, was re-elected as Chair of the NWB for the 2020-2021 year. Bob was re-appointed to the Nebraska Wheat Board in 2019 by Governor Ricketts. He farms dry-land wheat, corn and cattle on his farm and ranch in Dawes and Box Butte counties. He is also a member of the Nebraska Wheat Growers Association, the United Methodist Church of Hemingford, the American Legion, the Nebraska Farm Bureau, Nebraska Rural Radio and National Farmers Union.

Mark Knobel, of Fairbury, was re-elected as the Vice Chair of the NWB for 2020-2021. Mark was re-appointed to the board in 2019 by Governor Ricketts and represents District 6. He raises wheat, soybeans and corn in southeastern Nebraska and is a certified seed dealer. Mark has hosted numerous trade teams to his farm and is always engaging in wheat board meetings and activities. He has also served on other boards including Nebraska Crop Improvement Association, Nebraska Farm Bureau and the Nebraska FFA Association.

“The leadership within the Nebraska Wheat Board continues to be strong with Bob and Mark reelected as Chair and Vice Chair this year,” said Royce Schaneman, Executive Director of the Nebraska Wheat Board. “We are fortunate to have their knowledge and effort contributing to the betterment of the wheat industry within the state.”

Bob and Mark will serve in their positions through June of 2021. They are responsible for representing Nebraska on the U.S. Wheat Associates Board of Directors by voting on important matters to the industry. Royce Schaneman concludes “Nebraska wheat producers are in good hands with Bob and Mark in leadership positions. They will work to improve both global and domestic markets for wheat.”

The Nebraska Wheat Board administers the check-off of 0.4% of net value of wheat marketed in Nebraska at the point of first sale. The board invests the funds in programs of international and domestic market development and improvement, policy development, research, promotion, and education.