Don’t Get Carried Away

I sure like my cell phone, it holds many advantages to me in my daily life but I will have to admit that it sure can ring at the most inopportune times.

Yesterday I was driving down the highway when it rang so I ignored it, when I arrived at destination it rang but I was talking with friends so I ignored it, and at the end of the day I was sleeping when it rang so had a real shortened talk.

It seems like God calls at inopportune times sometimes through His Spirit and through our conscience. When I am getting praised for something I want to soak it all up and God calls and says, “Don’t get carried away with that pride.”

When I am tempted to shun someone, “God says you came from dust and to dust you will return.” When I am impatient and want to do things my way, God interrupts and says, ‘Patience Gene, patience,” I am sure thankful for God’s interruptions for on my own I could really make a mess. He calls at inopportune times all because He loves us and has a more peaceful loving way of handling things!