Doud, Ricketts, Smith Tour Alliance, Scottsbluff Facilities

Governor Pete Ricketts, Ambassador Gregg Doud, Chief Agriculture Negotiator, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, and Congressman Adrian Smith participated in a tour of agriculture locations in Western Nebraska on Thursday, highlighting the importance of agriculture and trade to Nebraska.

The locations visited and events attended were: a roundtable discussion with the Nebraska Dry Bean Commission, a facility tour of New Alliance Bean Co., Western Sugar, and a Dry Bean Harvest Demo.

“I join Governor Ricketts in welcoming Ambassador Doud back to Nebraska,” said Smith. “Agriculture is the number one trade constituency in the United States because of men and women across the country like the producers we met with today. Ambassador Doud has been hard at work alongside President Trump and Ambassador Lighthizer, and I appreciate him taking the opportunity to discuss firsthand his work opening markets for Nebraska products around the world.”

Ambassador Doud also recently joined as a special guest for Smith’s 2020 Virtual Agriculture Summit where they discussed trade policy and the future of American agriculture.