Emerging Writers and Artists Contest Asks High Schoolers to Highlight Nebraska Traditions

There are countless customs and traditions that make Nebraska a special place.

The sandhill crane migration, football tailgating, county fairs, Native American powwows and fall harvest, to name a few.

These events and activities bring us together and foster a sense of community. They represent common ground between different groups.

“Nebraska Traditions” is also the theme for the 2023-24 Nebraska Emerging Writers and Artists Contest, organized by the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

Open to all Nebraska high schoolers, the contest gives students an opportunity to showcase their talent in creative and critical writing, photography, painting, drawing or 3D art while competing for cash prizes. Participants are asked to submit an essay, poem, short story or artwork to be judged by UNK undergraduate students. First-place winners in each category will receive a $100 prize and be featured in UNK’s Student Language and Literature Conference. Runners-up receive $50 each.

Submissions must use the “Nebraska Traditions” theme as inspiration, highlighting an event, place, custom or value that sets the state apart.

To submit an entry, visit https://bit.ly/NEWritersArtists and follow the contest guidelines. The submission deadline is March 7, 2024, and only one entry is allowed per person. There is no cost to participate.

The Nebraska Emerging Writers and Artists Contest is sponsored by the Phi Eta Sigma freshman honor society in collaboration with the UNK Writing Center, American Democracy Project, Sigma Tau Delta English honor society, Phi Alpha Theta history honor society, UNK English Department and UNK Art Society.

For more information, email Phi Eta Sigma President Liz Huggins at hugginse@lopers.unk.edu or faculty advisers Theodora Ziolkowski and Amanda Sladek at ziolkowskit@unk.edu and sladekam@unk.edu.