Facebook Tidbits

I’ve often described social media sights, namely facebook, as fire. It can be both your friend and enemy. I believe the description speaks for himself.

As we knock on the door of summer, hoping it answers soon, here are a few facebook tidbits.

First the most negative news I care to share. The National Weather Service reporting station at the Alliance Airport endured a record low of 19 degrees at 4:42 AM on Sunday, May 22.

I posted that piece of information on my facebook page. It got the response I expected. Mostly surprise and worry.

Leave it to former Hemingford Ledger Publisher and Box Butte General Hospital marketing expert Brian Kuhn to share information that I had not thought of beforehand.

Brian commented, “remember, the Alliance Airport is in a bowl, where cold air easily pools when calm. One very cold and early winter morning when my car’s outside gauge read -18, I decided to see what happened if I drove out the airport. As soon as I topped the little hill where you turn off for the golf course, the temp started dropping. It was -26 by the time I got to the airport terminal.”

Kelsey Gomez posted the following on the Box Butte Buzz facebook page on May 16:

“Magic time in Alliance. Zesto is open, as is the drive-in theatre, Carhenge, the Knight Museum and Sandhills Center, 18-hole disc golf course, Sallows Military Museum, Skyview Golf Course, Sunken Gardens and very soon the city fountain will be operating. Wiggly Dog Park, the 719 Train are great stops for memorable pictures. Also, Dobby’s Frontier Town, our new Runza restaurant and Big Blue Bay are opening soon. Baseball will be played on all sides of town. Several class reunions will be held this summer, including the classes of 1957, 1977, 1982, and 1987 over Heritage Days. The tennis courts are being redone and are going to be amazing. Last, but not least, there are scooters all over town one can rent, and they look like fun. Hey all, time to visit Alliance!”

Facebook also posts reminders of upcoming birthdays. This week’s honorees of another trip around the sun include Shelby Henion, Karen Brown, and Jeff Fisher on May 23; Jess Schmid and Steve Benzel on May 26; Marjorie Hinman, Delinda Neville and Cynthia Horn on May 27, and Susan Unzicker on May 28.