Father’s Day

This weekend is for the dads. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there, I hope you all have a great weekend! This is the time of year that thunderstorms really start to show up and all thunderstorms have lighting in them.

Dads love to be outside and since lightning is very likely this time of year, it’s a perfect time to be very aware of the forecast and what the weather looks like each and every day. Being in the Midwest and Central Plains, we’ve all seen strong to severe storms which always come with quite a bit of lightning and while thunderboomers won’t be a surprise to any of us, it is a good idea to at least review what to do in case lightning is in the area.

This is certainly the time of year to do it. The basic rule of thumb is that when you hear thunder roar, head indoors. If you can hear thunder, you can be struck by lightning. Lightning kills more people on average per year than tornadoes, which is kind of a startling fact, but one that proves lightning is very dangerous.

Also, a quick and easy way to determine how far away lighting is, is when you see lightning, count off the seconds before you hear the thunder. 5 seconds = 1 mile. 15 seconds = 3 miles. 0 seconds = VERY CLOSE!