FFA Assisting with Santa’s Helpers

We met this Monday for our monthly meeting. We discussed that we will be helping with Santa’s Helpers this up coming weekend Dec. 13. So we will be picking out and wrapping gifts for parents to choose from. This is a function we enjoy along with helping our community.

We will be competing in LDE’s on Wednesday which are Leadership Development Events, we have several of individuals and teams competing in this contest. We have two Parliamentary Procedure Teams (conducting meetings). Agriculture Demo (this year we will be learning about the reproductive tract of swine). Employment Skills (you do a Resume and a Cover letter along with the interview process). COOP Speaking (explaining what the COOP is, how they are ran, how they make money, and how it benefits the farmer). Senior Public Speaking (you pick a topic in Agriculture and write a speech and deliver it). FFA Creed (what our organization is about). Starting with the new year we will be competing in our first round of CDE’s that are our Career Development Events which is our more hands on contest

I look forward to bringing you more information and photos with my next update.

Until next time, Rasine Bolek.