Former Alliance Resident Honored in 2022 Indie Book Awards

Broken Little Believer: Finding Purpose in All the Pretty Painful Pieces by former Alliance resident Shane Svorec has been named by the Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group as one of the best indie books of 2022.

Shane Svorec’s book is a finalist in the Spirituality category in the 2022 Next Generation Indie Book Awards, the world’s largest book awards program for independent publishers. Shane Svorec will be honored on June 24th at a gala event at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC, coinciding with the American Library Association Annual Conference.

2022 is the 15th year of the largest international book awards program. The Next Generation Indie Book Awards are judged by leaders of the indie book publishing industry, including many with long careers at major publishing houses. Their love of a great read and experience in the publishing arena identify books deserving a wider audience.

According to Catherine Goulet, Founder and Co-Chair of the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, “Like other independent artists, many indie book publishers face challenges that the industry giants don’t experience. The indies have to work much harder to get their best books into readers’ hands.”

Worldwide, as of 2022, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) estimates more than 2.7 million books are now being published in a single year. “Authors and publishers who compete in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards are serious about promoting their books,” adds Goulet. “They aim to stand out from the crowd of millions of books in print.”

To help indie authors and publishers reach a wider audience, the top 80+ books in the 2022 Next Generation Indie Book Awards will be reviewed by New York literary agent Marilyn Allen of Allen Literary Agency (formerly the Allen O’Shea Literary Agency), or one of Ms. Allen’s co-agents, for possible representation in areas such as distribution, foreign rights, film rights, and other rights.