Get to Know Officer Charlana Hjersman #119

My name is Charlana Hjersman. If you don’t already know me, don’t worry, most people can’t say my name correctly on the first or second try. To help, the “H” on Hjersman is silent.

I was born in Alliance and grew up in the Midwest, mostly between South Dakota and Nebraska. I later returned to Alliance and attended Alliance High School, graduating in 2010.

After graduating I moved around a bit, following and testing different professions until I finally decided becoming a police officer was my end goal. In 2016, after speaking to local officers to learn more, I decided to go for it, and applied with the Alliance Police Department. I started with the department in May of 2016.

When the weather is cooperative, I enjoy spending time camping, hiking, at the lake or exploring new places—when given the chance. When the weather is cold or snowy I’m likely to be found inside where it’s warm and cozy.

I am fortunate to be a part of this community and I have met many wonderful people throughout the years. I greatly appreciate the support of not only our community but my family as well.