Getting What You See

What you see is what you get. People that claim this about themselves usually wear it as a badge of honor. There are no false pretenses, you don’t have to interpret hidden meanings and you surely needn’t be consumed by the sinkhole that is the word “fine” when you ask your significant other how things are going. Have you noticed how intertwined the word “whatever” has been associated with fine? But, staying on topic, it remains a rare instance to know someone who truly is what you see in all circumstances, even when loyalties or self-examination is questioned. If you need a lesson on how to become more transparent and learn an appreciation for the freedom that comes with being your own self, take some time and hang out with the horses.

What is necessary in becoming someone people can interact with and know the relationship can be trusted without hidden agendas? Like a horse, the first step is to become entirely comfortable in who you are. Some might say love yourself; the horses would say get over yourself and quit trying to be someone you’re not. We are all unique and have incredible ideas, emotions, and contributions to be offered to the world around us that only we can deliver. You will never see a horse emulate a pasture mate and attempt to usurp their personality traits or physical demeanors. There is nothing to be gained by becoming another but everything to gain by accepting who you are and what you alone can provide to the rest of us.

Another requisite to aligning your presence with your identity is clear communication. The words and gestures used need to be meaningful, direct, and with as little room for interpretation as possible. If you are saying get out of my space, I’m not comfortable with you being so close, this should be obvious. Horses typically don’t draw you close so they can pound you into the sand; they will, however, be expressing a sentiment of nervousness, fear or aggression and you weren’t paying attention and got yourself pounded into the sand. Their motives were never hidden, you just missed them. Humans are very complex and amazingly able to hide intentions even to the point of manipulation. How much better would this world be if took the lessons of horses and stopped trying to get people to do our bidding?

The next time you wish to investigate true communication, honest interpretations, and come to appreciate getting what you see, come visit the herd at East Point Horspice. They will honestly tell it like it is.