God’s Will

Following the question, “what is sin,” I began a biblical study of the term. The study included the words: sin, sinful, sin’s, sinfulness, sinning, sinner. The most used word in the original Greek language meant “one who violates God’s will or law.” There are other definitions but this would cover most situations and has a cure available.

How do we cure the problem? The answer: through a study of (reading) God’s message to us known as the Bible. God wanted the young man, Timothy, to be an excellent evangelist without sin. God used the apostle Paul to train and encourage Timothy. God said to Timothy, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the world of truth” (ll Timothy 2:15). As I read those words I realize that you and I can know God’s will and laws because we have the Word of God, the Bible.

When I was young I wanted to drive. To obtain a license I studied the rule book so I could pass the test as required by the state. Now, I’m compelled by God, who wants the best for me by studying His will and His laws. I’m encouraged when I read ll Timothy 3:1-9, about how people without God live and then hear God’s will for Timothy in verses 10-17.

These words fit you and me as we learn to live without sin, following God’s words for us. We can win the battle for our souls. We can know God’s will. We can rejoice when walking with God. Thanks for being God’s partner in revealing His will.