Gov., Lt. Gov. Offer Comment on Chief Justice Heavican Retirement Announcement

On Aug. 21, Governor Jim Pillen and Lieutenant Governor Joe Kelly offered their reactions to the announced retirement of Chief Justice Mike Heavican. Gov. Pillen received a letter from Chief Justice Heavican of the Nebraska Supreme Court stating his intent to retire on Oct. 31, 2024.

Gov. Pillen shared the following:

“I congratulate Chief Justice Heavican on his retirement, and I thank him for his amazing public service to the state of Nebraska. He has served Nebraska’s Supreme Court with professionalism, rooted in deep regard for the rule of law. I have enjoyed getting to know Chief Justice Heavican and I often repeat to others the observation he made to me about walking into the Supreme Court Chamber. He noted that each time felt like the very first – conveying a wonderment, love and appreciation for a career that has resulted in immense satisfaction and fulfilment. I wish Mike the very best in all his future endeavors.”

Lt. Gov. Kelly served with Chief Justice Heavican during his time in the Lancaster County Attorney’s Office. He said:

“In different roles – in the Lancaster County Attorney’s Office, U.S. Attorney’s Office, and as the Chief Justice of the Nebraska Supreme Court – he has been the perfect example of all that a public servant should be.”

Pursuant to law, the Judicial Nominating Commission will solicit the names of potential nominees to be presented to Gov. Pillen for consideration of appointment.