Handling Pressure

How do you handle pressure? Pressure can sure be time consuming, pressure can sure make your mind dwell on other things and miss the present joys, pressure can even upset your physical being. Maybe there are pressures we should have but there are pressures we shouldn’t have.

We don’t have to have the pressure of outdoing our fellow worker for advancement. We don’t have to have the pressure to look better or be better than someone else do we? I have a good friend who is excellent at picking up on the talents of others and instead of competing he praises them.

Our pressure release valve is in the Word and prayer. God has given us all a special talent and it is given us not to boast but to help others out. God wants you to spend this day living for Him, living the abundant life, don’t spend this day in a pressure cooker but pray to God with your sorrows and troubles and He will give you unpressurized advice all because He loves you!