Hang On

In 1987, a man by the name of Henry Dempsey was piloting a 15-passenger turboprop plane without passengers to Boston. He heard something rattle in the back of the plane. Leaving the co-pilot in charge, he left the cockpit to investigate. Sudden turbulence threw him against the stairway door, which opened sucking Henry almost out of the door. Henry grabbed a railing on the stairway and hung on.

The co-pilot saw a warning light and, assuming the worst, landed the plane as soon as possible. The story concluded saying Henry’s hands had to be pried from the railing – he was “hanging on!” The application of Henry’s story is our ability and desire to “hang on” to our faith. We “hang on” to Jesus until we are called out of this world to be with Him. Revelation 2:10, says, “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.”

Given Henry Dempsey’s situation we would hang on for our life. The Bible record tells us we can also hang on for Jesus. Because Jesus said so, we can hang on until death. Thanks to you who are “hanging on” and will do so until your plane (your life) lands in heaven.