Hemingford Board of Education Seeks Community Support for School Renovation and Addition Project

The Hemingford Public School Board of Education has taken a significant step towards enhancing educational facilities for students by passing a resolution calling bond election that would fund a comprehensive facility improvement project with a school bond. The

school bond would not exceed $17,975,000. This project addresses a range of critical needs identified through extensive community input, facility assessments, and a commitment to

providing a safe, modern, and accessible learning environment for all students.

“This project is an investment in our students, our staff, and our community,” said Dr. Travis

Miller, Superintendent of Schools. “We’re addressing critical needs, updating aging

infrastructure to preserve our building for years to come, and creating spaces that support

academic excellence.”

Key features of the project include:

● Enhancing safety and security: Improving entrances and exits, adding 12 classrooms

onto the existing school to bring all students under one roof, and creating a more secure

learning environment.

● Optimizing space: Building a new multi-purpose space with a stage for performances,

lunches, and activities, reducing pressure on the existing gym. Creating a new kitchen

designed for efficiency and workflow.

● Improving accessibility: Adding a second stairwell and elevator in the elementary

school, installing a stage lift, and providing additional ADA-compliant bathrooms to

ensure accessibility for all students and staff.

● Expanding opportunities: Linking the gym to the main school, which will allow for a

larger weight room and a dedicated girls’ wrestling room. Adding onto the ag building to

create more space for career and technical education programs.

● Modernizing infrastructure: Upgrading outdated electrical and plumbing systems to

improve efficiency, comfort, and safety.

“We’ve listened carefully to our community and developed a plan that addresses our most urgent needs,” said Justin Ansley, president of Hemingford’s Board of Education. “This project honors our past with an eye toward building the future—all while being responsible stewards of your trust and your tax dollars.”

Community members will have the opportunity to vote on the bond on May 13. Registered voters will receive ballots by mail in late April and can either return the ballot by mail or at their local county election office. Ballots must be received by 5 p.m. on May 13.

“We’re excited about the possibilities this project presents,” added Ansley. “It’s about creating a safe, modern, and inspiring learning environment where every student can thrive.”

Community Meetings

The community is invited to learn more about the project at two scheduled meetings. School tours will be available both days between noon and 7 p.m.

Monday, April 7

7 p.m.

Hemingford Public Schools Gym

Wednesday, April 23

7 p.m.

Hemingford Public Schools Gym

More information about improvements the bond will fund, conceptual renderings, the complete facility audits, and the bond’s impact on taxes is available at hemingfordlegacybond.com.