Horses Have the Answers

Are you worthy of saving? To a horse, no contemplation is required to arrive at an inexplicable yes.

The yes is inexplicable to a horse because it is beyond most people’s comprehension to make decisions about such meaningful questions concerning ‘saving’ without first assessing one’s worthiness. Unlike a horse, humans tend to question other’s motivations, intentions and level of worthiness to be helped, or saved, before acting. Have you ever been stopped at a light in your car and see someone holding a sign describing themselves as homeless and could use a little help financially? What thoughts ran through your mind? Humans have become jaded and skeptical to such situations because we don’t believe the accuracy in the words scrawled upon the cardboard with a magic marker. Because the possibility exists that the individual at the intersection might only be scamming us, our decision of their worthiness has been lessened to a point where we look the other way and do nothing.

If a horse was stopped at that light (which by the way, who wouldn’t want to see a horse driving the pickup instead of riding in the trailer?) they wouldn’t hesitate to offer some help to this person because ‘worthy’ would never factor into the equation. Admittedly, a handful of hay or sweet feed may not seem to be the best option for an offering, but you must admire the intent.

There are unfortunately a minority of humans who do not question other’s worthiness. These few understand that it is not their responsibility, nor can they assign worthiness to those around them. Like a horse, they react to the people and the events occurring around them at face value without the burden of defining intention; that burden is not their cross to bear. Equally, a horse never wavers from their gift of helping others through a non-judgmental, honest communication leading to recovery and self-inspection by the partner in the conversation.

If you ever question your own worthiness or right to be saved, EPH recommends a visit with a horse. They will have the answer.