Our world sure can be confusing. I think of the young adults in our world and I am not aware fully of their battles but I am thinking some things must be quite unclear to them.
Even our language can be confusing. Take the word humble and it can be misconstrued in many ways. Some think it is very negative, while I think maybe a lot of people don’t know the real meaning? Humility is not to think less of yourself but to think of yourself less often. Very hard battle for sinful mankind to reckon with.
One cannot make themselves humble but we have to wait on the Lord to do that for us. We are kind of a bottle of confusion when we are thinking of ourselves mostly. We can even think we are high and mighty and the greatest or maybe we think of ourselves as the lowest form of life with no hope and nothing but self pity within.
It is impossible to love sacrificially when we are all wrapped up in self. The world teaches one self along with our sinful desires while the Bible teaches us to throw away ourselves, let God kill us so that we can expand our lives, put a spring in our walk, and love others like we were meant to all along. I can’t make you humble but I know you will enjoy life more with it all because He loves you dearly!