IELS Celebrates Veterans

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran School took time on Tuesday morning to celebrate veterans in honor of Veterans Day on Wednesday.

During the celebration, students said the Pledge of Allegiance, led by American Legion Post 7. Reverend Shaun Daugherty led the opening prayer.

Kindergarten and first grade students conducted the Flag Routine, which was followed by the Armed Forces Medley, featuring students from second to eighth grade and accompanied by Kathy Dye. During the Armed Forces Medley, veterans were asked to stand when their branch song was sung.

Three Quilts of Valor were presented during the celebration. The first Quilt of Valor was presented to Byron Nordstrom, who served in the United States Air Force from 2000 to 2014.

Nordstrom underwent basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, and received formal military training at Port Hueneme Navel Base in California, where he trained in basic vehicle repair. Nordstrom received the rank of Senior Airman at his first duty assignment at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, Nev. While he was there, he met his wife and had their first son, Byron Richard.

In 2004, Nordstrom went to Camp Casey Army Base, in South Korea, where he achieved the rank of Staff Sergeant. There, he fixed vehicles for the Tactical Air Control Party.

After leaving South Korea in 2005, Nordstrom was assigned to Spangdahlem Air Base in Germany, where he served as a safety and hazmat non-commissioned officer in charge. During his time in Germany, Nordstrom went on his first deployment to Iraq in 2005, and his second deployment to Manas Air Force Base in Kyrgyzstan. While stationed there, he earned a degree in applied science.

In 2008, Nordstrom left Germany to become a technical instructor at the Port Hueneme Naval Base in California. He achieved the rank of Technical Sergeant, earning a category two teaching certificate and a second degree in instructor of military technologies and science. Nordstrom was also deployed to the NATO base Camp Bastion in Afghanistan.

Nordstrom left California after his son Zackary James was born, and was stationed at Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota. While there, he was the non-commissioned officer in charge of the special purpose, fire truck and refueling shops. There, he was again deployed to Camp Bastion in Afghanistan, which was his last duty assignment.

Nordstrom left the Air Force in January 2014, serving a total of 14 years, six months and 14 days.

The second Quilt of Valor was presented to Byron Nordstrom, who served in the United States Marine Corps.

Nordstrom joined the Marine Corps in September of 1978. After graduating, he went to Camp Johnson, North Carolina for Advanced Automotive/Diesel Machines. He was sent to Aberdenn, Md. for more training, and returned to North Carolina to Recovery School. He served as a wrecker/mechanic for the rest of his tour.

During his service, Nordstrom has traveled across the Arctic Circle and over the equator, on many Navy Ships. After returning home, Nordstrom worked with the State of Nebraska Department of Transportation for 30 years. He has worked with the Boy Scouts for more than 25 years. Two of his sons became Eagle Scouts. During his time with the Boy Scouts, he has helped 15 boys receive their Eagle Awards.

The third Quilt of Valor was presented to Dwayne Rose, who served in the United States Army from 1955 to 1957. Rose joined the Army on Oct. 5, 1955, and completed eight weeks of basic training at Fort Carson, Colo. From there, he went to Fort Ore in California for eight weeks, and then to Fort Riley, Kan. He was stationed in Europe for 11 months, and was discharged in September of 1957.

The presentation of the Quilts of Valor was followed by the singing of the hymn “Eternal Father Strong Save,” and the ceremony concluded with a closing prayer, led by Reverend Richard Mueller.