Is it Worth the Savings?

A point to ponder.

I heard this from Jim Rose on KFAB Radio in Omaha on December 27.

“We can run but we can’t hide from the bill.

According to the National Retail Federation, each of us spent on average, 909 dollars on Christmas.

Department store sales in December: 16.1 billion dollars.

On-line sales in December: 131 billion dollars.

You know, an on-line retailer doesn’t pay any property tax, doesn’t support our local utilities because they don’t use any electricity or natural gas, water, or refuse service.

On-line retailers have no room for Salvation Army bellringers. They don’t advertise on local radio, TV or newspapers.

Only West Virginia has more per capita keyboard cowboys and cowgirls than Nebraska.

I know, I know, it’s so much easier to pull out that credit card and shop with the keyboard. You might even save some bucks.

But, at what cost?”

Jim, I’ll add that on-line retailers also do not donate to local youth fundraisers. A practice that remains a point of pride in Box Butte County.

And our list could go on an on.