It Takes a Village

When you live in a small town. You appreciate the “it takes a village” concept. Not just with your children, but in supporting your community.

I first of all would like to mention the businesses in our town. We all need to shop local of course, but the best reason I know why we should is, these are the folks that are supporting the people who live here. Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, church groups, fundraisers, so many charities, so many people in need of help, cancer, heart, diabetes, suicide prevention, playground equipment, school activities, animal needs, Pillars for a Park! I could go on and on and on.

Businesses are the first place everyone goes for a donation, a gift card, anything that can help them support a cause, which, by the way, there are far more needs than we have businesses. They all help when they can. Most do not have a big budget for donations, as it depends on their sales. How they are doing financially themselves! So I feel this town is very blessed to have the support of these folks to improve lives, and make our awesome town a better place to live. They have my thanks, and I support local businesses all I possibly can.

Now, that being said, you also need to give back to your community. Not only support the many causes that come along that are dear to your heart, but volunteer! Before I started the Pillars for the Park project, I remember clearly thinking, “someone really needs to do something about our wonderful Sunken Gardens.” Looking around there was no one. Well I decided I was someone and put the wheels in motion. That was my way of giving back.

There are so many places that could use help from volunteers, The Knight Museum and Sandhills Center, the library, the hospital, Dobby’s Frontier Town, Friends of Carhenge, Sallows Museum, the schools, the churches, the nursing homes.

Maybe just taking an elderly neighbor to a movie once a month; babysitting so a new mom can take a few hours break. Walk a dog or help clean kennels at the Animal Control facility. Get involved, volunteer, teach your kids how to volunteer! There are so many opportunities. Every single person can make a difference in the quality of their life, as well as their community. We do have the best hometown. It does take a village, and ours is amazing!