Junior Leader Spotlight

Name: Wyatt Walker

Grade: 11

Favorite Projects: Showing Cattle

Favorite 4-H Memory: My favorite 4-H memory is showing cattle. I have learned so much from showing cattle and I’ve had so much fun. Another one of my favorite memories is being able to hang out with friends after the livestock shows at fair and pull all-nighters.

4-H Goal for 2021: My goal for 2021 is to be able to help more people in the 4-H community and to be able to do my best once again and have fun while doing it.

Name: Delaney Childers

Grade: 10

Favorite Projects: Showing Sheep

Favorite 4-H Memory: My favorite memory was the 2020 Box Butte County Fair. After a long and difficult year, it was nice to be able to show all our projects. It was a much-appreciated week! Another big accomplishment for me during fair week was winning the Large Animal Round Robin.

4-H Goal for 2021: My goal for 2021 is to improve in activeness with everyone. I want to help the future of our fair out with their projects.