Keep your Money in your Pocket

The circus is still in town, but I don’t have to buy a ticket.”


When my kids were home, I used to dread the month of May because it seems like schools are frantic to cram in all the activities they can imagine before the term ends. And this is the time of year when ranchers are running on empty in terms of sleep, doctoring calves, helping at brandings while planning their own, and making sure the fences will hold cattle when they are turned out.

If I thought I was busy then, it doesn’t compare to what my son’s family is juggling at the moment. Back then, we didn’t have graduation parties to plan, and there were fewer school activities, although we still had trouble keeping up.

This year, our branding has been scheduled and re-scheduled, graduation happens for two family members, at different schools, at the same hour and on the same day, followed by another graduation and party the next day. It will be fun to see the visitors, although figuring what nail to hang them on to sleep will be a challenge.

Bruce had shoulder surgery scheduled for the week after all that, and has been trying to complete any jobs requiring two hands ahead of time, as well as squeezing in regular obligations. This was all supposed to work out, until the surgery date was pushed forward by two weeks, requiring us to re-schedule numerous appointments and cancel others completely.

We have gotten a crash course in living one day at a time, but the June calendar is already filling up, and I’m trying to just get through April. Today, I opened an old journal and found the above quote from my friend, Amos. I had followed it up with this note to self.

Don’t buy a ticket to the family circus. Or any other circus. And don’t sneak in on someone else’s dime. You’re free to make your own choices, and won’t feel so overwhelmed if you simply don’t buy a ticket.”

Tickets, whether to a circus or a rat race, are expensive. They cost lost sleep, numerous obligations ignored, hurt feelings, and of course, high priced fuel to get where you need to go. Like so many things in this inflated economy, there are choices involved. No, you can’t have it all, you can’t afford it all, and the sooner you accept that fact, the more peaceful life will be. The circus isn’t even fun if you keep falling asleep during the performance. As for joining a rat race, no matter who wins, they are still a rat.

No thanks,” is a complete sentence. Keep life as simple as possible. Sit awhile on the sidelines. Instead of buying a ticket, fold your money over and keep it in your pocket.