Lacy’s Work on Display at Carnegie


Linda Lacy, Owner of Calinda’s Pot shop & Art Gallery in Ashby, NE has her work on display in the upper Garwood and Skala Galleries at the Carnegie Arts Center. The exhibit will be up until Jan 8. Her artist reception will be Dec. 18 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Linda Lacy received her BA Interdisciplinary degree with emphasis in art, education, and communications from Chadron State College. She has received and instructed numerous painting and pottery workshops over the past 30 years. As an artist in residence with the Nebraska Arts Council for the past 25 years Linda is available to give workshops or seminars with hands-on demonstrations for children and adults in schools and communities across Nebraska. She also teaches adult art classes for Western Nebraska Community College. Linda’s pottery and paintings have been received all over the world. She is versed in all media with award winning paintings and pottery. Her specialties include oils, watercolor, and pastels. She is also a master at wheel-thrown and hand-built clay creations.

Dec. 10 will be the last day to see Bob Peltz’s summer art camp student show. Bob has taken such time and care to celebrate the talent and creativity of his students. If you’re feeling bummed with the gloomy weather, a trip to the studio to surround yourself with whimsical color is just the ticket.

On Dec. 14, Carnegie will be displaying Sandi Blankenship’s fifth grade student work in the studio gallery. Their exhibit will be on display until Jan. 8. Due to Covid, these students were unable to come on their annual fourth grade school tour last January. We are excited to have them come for a makeup tour and class with artist Robert Peltz.