Landfill Fire Consumes 860 Tons of Brush

On Thursday evening, firefighters with the Alliance Volunteer Fire Department responded quickly to the report of a fire at Alliance’s landfill, battling hard to quench the flames.

AVFD Chief Troy Shoemaker said they responded with a total of 12 firefighters after receiving the call at 6:03 p.m. They departed from the scene at nearly 3 a.m.

“There was an estimated 860 tons of tree stumps and branches, that’s what the fire was,” said Shoemaker.

Shoemaker noted that the wind was one of the factors that made it difficult to get the blaze under control. He said he was grateful for the help they received from public works and landfill staff.

“The wind, and the size and the amount of tree branches and stumps,” Shoemaker said. “Access to it, too, because landfills aren’t made for firetrucks to really go through certain spots, but we made due.”