Life Itself

I have a friend in town who has a nice saying, “If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we would all have a nice Christmas.”

There are many things in life that can change us in a small way and sometimes in a big way. Maybe the ifs and buts are life itself?

When we are young none of us thinks of being a felon when they grow up, none of us think of declaring bankruptcy when we are developing our dreams, we probably don’t think of dying at 30 due to some illness.

None of us really knows what this day brings and if you are living with your sinful nature in control you will have all kinds of ideas and plans about living this life, but your sorrows will only increase. When one is a Christian God can and many times does turns those ifs and buts into your biggest blessings even if it feels devastating at the time.

The Great I Am doesn’t mess around and play games with life, He knows what we need and He provides, all because He loves you and I even if we have been led astray. Trust in Him, and pray often for He loves you more than your heart will ever let you know. God Bless You!