Like Jesus, Always Please God

James 1:22, is God’s simple word to each of us about our maturity with God: “Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”

I remember working at a grocery store while in college. A young man came to work who always knew how to do a job better than the way the boss said. The boss finally confronted him saying, “You are a fine employee, but if you don’t start doing things the way I say, you can leave now.” That young man later confided to me that the boss really did have good methods.

As maturity comes we also, as Christians, look for ways to please our Boss, Jesus Christ. Jesus talked about His relationship with His Father God and said, “…for I always do what pleases Him” (John 8:29). Jesus, according to the Bible in Philippians 2:6-8, became a person just like us. And, though tempted just as we are, always pleased God. Maturity in our relationship with Jesus brings us to a point where we look for ways to please Him. The Bible becomes a book which helps us change as we obey and rejoice in God’s directions. We hear what Jesus wrote so we can do what He wants us to do. Then some day, even as the young man in the grocery store said, “The boss really does have good methods.” When that takes place, you and Jesus will rejoice together.