Looking Forward to a Productive 2021

East Point Horspice (EPH) is looking forward to a productive and energetic 2021 and continues to seek volunteers to assist in this process. There are multiple ways to enrich your life as an EPH volunteer, the direction to take is to understand your own abilities, strengths and desires and use them as your guide.

Some EPH volunteers have dealt only with the horses through grooming, care and horse-based interactions. They may have had horses when they were younger and wished to reestablish the incredible relationship they now miss. This is a great way to be around the horses and all involved will see a positive result.

EPH has seen volunteers who were more tuned to the riders, especially the children, and used the program to help the kids with less emphasis on the horses. They perhaps hadn’t reached a necessary comfort level to interact with the 1000-pound creatures. But, as with most things, the more you’re around it and practice, confidence and knowledge increases allowing for a deeper appreciation of the big picture.

EPH is constantly increasing the knowledge base of everyone involved and encourages all interested to contact us. EPH is on Facebook, or check out www.eastpointhorspice.com.