Master Gardener Tips for the Panhandle


Nebraska Extension Master Gardener

Wise Watering

Before rushing out to plant the garden – take time to consider water in the garden. Know which plants require moist soil and those that prefer drier conditions. Plant accordingly and know the spaces in your yard. Water early in the morning allowing leaves to dry and reduce diseases. Water the base of plants and use drip irrigation when possible. Always choose to water infrequently and deeply to promote deeper, healthy roots.


Did you know the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum offers help with planting gardens for continuous bloom that benefit pollinators in the garden? Bees are important pollinators in landscapes but are decreasing in numbers. Many crops depend on bees as pollinators. Having a diverse landscape with blooms throughout the season is important to provide a consistent food supply to pollinators. Visit the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum website to learn how you can plan a pollinator friendly landscape.

Growing Herbs

A healthy diet is one that doesn’t rely on a heavy dose of salt to enjoy. Did you know that growing herbs in your garden helps you create healthy meals that taste great? Herbs add flavor to your cooking in place of salt. Many herbs can easily be started from seed directly in the garden. Think about what herbs could make a difference in your recipes and save money by growing them yourself!

Trees in our Landscape

Have you had difficulty growing trees in our western landscape? Choosing trees suited to our hardiness zone is a key component to success. Soil and sun requirements are also a consideration when selecting a variety. Pay attention to expected height and general shape of the tree so that you will be happy with the spot you’ve selected when the tree grows to maturity. Think before you invest in your tree purchase!

Perennials or Annuals

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between perennials and annuals? Perennials can provide years of enjoyment in your garden if cared for properly. They often require less maintenance and generally require less water than annuals. Annuals last for one season, but often are used to fill in gaps and provide new interest in a garden. Snipping spent blossoms often helps annuals be in continuous bloom through the season.