McGinnis Resigns as Commissioner, Burke Elected Chairman

The Box Butte County Commissioners met on Thursday to kick off the year, undergoing a reorganization process and approving the resignation of one of their fellow commissioners.

Commissioner Mike McGinnis, who has served in county and state government for eight years, submitted a letter to resign his position effective on Dec. 30, 2022.

“I have enjoyed my 8 years in County and some State government and this decision does not come easy,” McGinnis wrote in the letter.

Commissioners Steve Burke and Brett Ditsch voted unanimously in favor of accepting the resignation. The County is seeking applications to fill the vacancy left by McGinnis’ resignation. People who are interested in applying to be appointed to the position should submit a letter of interest and a resume to Box Butte County Clerk Martie Burke by 4 p.m. on Jan. 31. Applicants must be residents of Box Butte County and registered voters.

Selected applicants will be interviewed at a public meeting by the County Attorney, County Clerk and County Treasurer at 9 a.m. on Feb. 9. People who have questions regarding the process are encouraged to call the County Clerk at 308-762-6565.

Following the acceptance of McGinnis’ resignation, the commissioners underwent the reorganization process, during which Steve Burke was elected as the chairman and Ditsch was elected as the Vice Chairman.