Millers Receive Quilts of Valor

John and Dan Miller received their Quilts of Valor on Oct. 3. They are appreciative of receiving the quilts. John served in the army from 1969-1972. He started out at Ft Lewis, Washington. Then it was off to Ft. Rucker, Alabama. The next stop was Vietnam for a year and a half. He was a helicopter crew chief and door gunner seeing many hours of flight time. He finished his tour at Ft Carson, Colo. Dan served from 1968-1970. Dan started his tour tour at Ft Lewis. He went from there directly to Vietnam where he was an infantryman. He was part of the group that was first to be pulled from Vietnam. He finished out his tour in Hawaii playing War games of all things. They would like to thank the American Legion for their fine ceremony and the quilters who did a fabulous job.