Mission Store Grants


Alliance Poverty Task Force


Mission Store Volunteer

The Mission Store Inc. is offering its 14th annual mini-grants to Box Butte County. You thought they were just a place to drop off used items to be sold!

The Mission Store is more than just a used clothing and miscellaneous store. They are a non-profit organization, run solely by volunteers. Not one person is paid at the store. Outside of funds needed for building maintenance, cleaning and sanitizing, and utilities to keep the building cool in the summer and warm in the winter for customers, all money earned is used to benefit our city, our county, and its people!

Did you know the Mission Store responds to emergencies? They are more than happy to help the Police, Fire Department and DOVES organization and anyone in need. The Mission Store’s goals are to accept donated clothing and household goods, help those in need, reuse and recycle, foster volunteerism and respond to emergencies.

Did you know the Mission Store helps to fund the Indian Mission Church of God, the Alliance Ministerial Association, and the Backpack Program?

Did you know that the Mission Store recycles clothing and shoes that do not sell in Alliance to another place in the country? Many of you have seen the big semi that comes here twice a year to buy bales of clothing that haven’t sold to be reused and resold somewhere else. That money is used to fund grants, too.

All organized, non-profit groups are eligible for funds through the Mini-Grant Program, which must be used for projects that will benefit the entire group. Funds, if awarded, must not be used for salaries, insurance, or operating expenses.

Many organizations have previously benefited from the Mini-Grant Program with a total of $53,796.00 being returned to the community in 2020. Even though the Mission Store was closed for several months due to COVID, they wanted to make sure the grants were still given.

Applicants should include in their proposals:

*The name and description of the program or event they are requesting funding for.

* An explanation regarding how the grant funds will be used.

*A description of the target audience.

* The program goals and expected outcome.

*A statement explaining how the funds will assist in making the program a reality.

Forms for Mission Store grants may be picked up at the Mission Store, 302 Box Butte Ave, Alliance, during store hours, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. Completed applications are due October 14, 2021, and must be returned to the store, either in person or by mail. Applications submitted through the mail must be postmarked on or before October 14, 2021, and none will be accepted after that date. They may be mailed to: The Mission Store, P.O. Box 179, Alliance, NE 69301.