Montes Attends Junior Law Training

Kenna Montes a coming Senior at Alliance High School along with 44 other students graduated from the Junior Law Cadet Program at the Nebraska State Patrol Training Academy, Grand Island, NE on Friday, June 24, 2022.

This Cadet Program cosponsored by the Nebraska American Legion and the Nebraska State Patrol (NSP) was initiated in Nebraska in 1968 and provides first-hand experiences, as well as insight into the operations of law enforcement.

Following her return home, Kenna stated, “My time spent at the State Patrol Center for the Jr Law Cadet Program is an experience that I will never forget.” It was a stressful 3 ½ days, but, she said she learned so much about discipline, teamwork, what it takes to be in the force, and most importantly: friendship. Kenna said the first day was probably the toughest, but it was ultimately her favorite part. They were lined up in their barracks next to their roommates, standing at attention while State Patrol Officers yelled their expectations at them. She stated, “I learned how to properly fold a bed at a 45 degree angle and help others get their room ready before inspection (all of our rooms had to be the exact same).”

Kenna spent her 17th birthday at the facility where she was surrounded by warm smiles and many, many push ups. She has a Pro Tip: “Never tell anyone it’s your birthday when your training!” Kenna said that what made her experience so fun was her roommate, Braidy Parril. They both kept each others head held high, and shared a few tears, but finished together. Kenna stated, “My experience is something that I would never want to trade for the world and I encourage those interested in law force to check the program out!”

The Jr Law Cadet Program is available to all high school students who have completed their junior year and are in good academic standing with good moral character and posses a desire to learn more about the law enforcement profession.

Must be a Nebraska resident, and (a) must be in good health and able to participate in physical activities; (b) possess a positive attitude and display respect for law enforcement; (c) average or above average scholastic record; and (d) possess a valid Nebraska driver’s license or learner’s permit.

NSP Cadets participate in daily calisthenics and receive training in firearms, self-defense, fingerprinting, K-9 handling, accident and criminal investigation, lie detector testing, and state patrol car driving.