Nebraska Brand Inspection Fee to Increase

During the June 11 Quarterly Committee meeting for the Nebraska Brand Committee, after the review of annual financials, it was determined that the brand inspection charge will be raised from the current $.85 per head back to $1.00 per head.

In the 2021 session Nebraska Legislature imposed a 2-year reduction of fees to assist in depleting the Brand Committee’s cash reserve account that had grown due to efficiencies gained with the implementation of the electronic brand inspection program and other advances and improvements. Those efficiencies helped offset surges in hard costs including wage increases to stay competitive in the job market and federal mileage reimbursement costs. At the end of the 2024 fiscal year, it was determined that the cash reserve account has been reduced to the required threshold deemed acceptable by the Committee, targeted to be between 20-40% of the annual operating budget.

The increase to $1.00 will occur starting October 1, 2024 on all inspections performed. This will not impact RFL renewals paid as of July 1, 2024 but will be in effect for the July 1, 2025 renewal. No other price increases for services will occur at this time.

Also, during the June meeting the newest appointed and confirmed Brand Committee member was introduced being Brenda Masek, a cow-calf producer from Purdam. During the last month of legislative session, NBC was pleased to have Vice-Chairman Chris Gentry, a cow-calf producer from Hyannis, re-up for appointment and he was also confirmed by the Legislature. Each Committee member serves a 4-year term after being appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Legislature.