Nebraska On-Farm Research Meeting to be Hosted in Alliance

Farm operators and agronomists are invited to attend the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network research results update meeting Feb. 26 at Alliance.

Nebraska farmers conducted over 100 on-farm research studies in 2020, and this meeting is an opportunity to learn from these farmers and network with other innovative producers.

The meeting will run from 8-11:30 a.m. at Knight Museum & Sandhills Center, 908 Yellowstone Ave. Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m. Light food and refreshments will be available.

There is no cost to attend, but pre-registration is required. Seating is limited, so early registration is encouraged. Visit for registration, details, and program updates. For those who prefer not to attend in person, an online option is also available in the registration process. For those registering for the online option, the results meeting will be very informative on the statewide information, but the local research talks will not be available.

The Alliance meeting is one of a series of meetings across Nebraska, where crop production-related information from over 100 on-farm research projects conducted by farmers in partnership with University of Nebraska faculty will be shared with producers. These research projects cover products, practices, and new technologies that impact farm productivity and profitability.

Local research projects to be discussed at Alliance will include: dry edible bean direct harvest population studies, dry edible bean inoculant study, best practices for direct harvest, and a multi-year overview of dry bean population data. An update on soil fertility research in the Panhandle will b e given by Bijesh Maharjan, soil and nutrient management specialist at the Panhandle Research and Extension Center.

In addition, the Alliance session will feature statewide presentations from Nebraska Extension speakers on these topics:

* Leveraging Precision Ag Technologies to Conduct Reliable On-Farm Research Studies

* Introduction to the Nebraska On-Farm Research Results Update Book

* Update of NRCS Soil Health Demo Farm Projects

* Manure and Mulch applications for Crop Production and Soil Properties

* Sensor Based Nitrogen Management for Dryland Corn

* Sensor Based Fertigation

* Precision Nitrogen Management Project – Crop Model Based Nitrogen Management

* Upcoming research opportunities

The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network is a statewide, on-farm research program that addresses critical farmer questions about production, profitability and natural resources. Growers take an active role in the on-farm research project sponsored by Nebraska Extension in partnership with the Nebraska Corn Growers Association, the Nebraska Corn Board, the Nebraska Soybean Checkoff, and the Nebraska Dry Bean Commission. To learn more about the network and how to participate, visit

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