Nebraska School Leaders Gather in Kearney for Annual Conference

The Nebraska Council of School Administrators held Administrators’ Days in Kearney Thursday and Friday, July 27 and 28, drawing more than a thousand school leaders from across the state to the Younes Conference Center North.

The state’s premiere conference for school administrators opened Wednesday with NDE Day, which included an introduction to new commissioner of education Dr. Brian Maher, who gave a keynote speech and hosted a Q&A session later in the day.

McCook senior Mykuh Hanson kicked-off Thursday morning’s General Session by singing the National Anthem, drawing a standing ovation. NCSA then presented the first of two Distinguished Service Awards to Brad Jacobsen, 6-12 principal at Ashland-Greenwood and a former NCSA Chair and affiliate president. Larianne Polk, chief administrator at ESU 7 in Columbus, was also honored with the NCSA Distinguished Service Award on Thursday.

During Thursday’s award luncheon, the Nebraska Association of School Administrators (NASA) announced its 2023-24 Nebraska Superintendent of the Year, Dr. Andrew Rikli from Papillion-La Vista Community Schools.

Administrators’ Days featured two nationally-renowned keynote speakers in John K. Coyle, an Olympic medal-winning speed skater, and Michael Bonner. There were nearly 60 breakout sessions offered Thursday, a majority of which were led by Nebraska administrators and specialists.

NCSA was honored to be joined by Governor Jim Pillen during the Thursday luncheon. The governor addressed the crowd of school leaders following the awards presentation. Other notable guests included Senator Lynne Walz, members of the State Board of Education, and the staff from First Five Nebraska, who was presented with the NCSA Friend of Education Friday morning.

The annual Administrators in Action Run & Walk brought 438 conference attendees to the trails of Kearney on Thursday morning, raising a $5,000 donation to Special Olympics Nebraska on behalf of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska.