Nebraska State Advisory Board on Libraries

Recently I was asked to accept a position on the Nebraska State Advisory Council on Libraries by the Nebraska Library Commission. I was happy to join this group, simply because I think it will give our western-side libraries a voice. There are other librarians from the Panhandle who serve on this board who represent school and academic libraries. I will be a representative of our public libraries and the value they present to our communities.

Therefore, I am asking for some input from those we serve. Is there something you have noticed at other libraries that you would like to see here? Many of the programs and ideas you see happening in our library are a result of us watching other libraries. I am excited for the first meeting of this group, which will be March 19. We meet quarterly, so please, never hesitate to make a suggestion. As a librarian, I am always eager to learn something new. So, if you have ideas, share them! There may be a class you would like to see us offer, or a program you would like to see us have! Whatever your ideas may be, my door is always open!