The following claims were approved by the Alliance City Council on March 4, 2025, for all funds. Abbreviations for this legal: ex, expenses; fe, fees; ml, mileage; re, reimbursement; sa, salaries; se, services; su, supplies.
Black Hills Energy, 14,985.27, ex; Accent Wire Products Inc., 1,604.51, su; Acushnet Company, 413.03, su; Alliance Times Herald, 84.22, se; AS Central Services, 795.60, se; Barco Municipal Products Inc., 1,592.57, su; Benzel Pest Control Inc., 125.00, se; Bernies Ace Hardware, 185.11, su; Bolek-Bilt LLC., 227.50, se; Border States Electric Supply, 454.76, su; Bound Tree Medical, LLC, 315.20, su; Box Butte County Court, 17.00, ex; Box Butte County Treasurer, 1,221.10, ex; Box Butte General Hospital, 339.52, su; Bruce Furniture, 1,493.72, su; Bud’s Pest Control, 239.90, se; Bytes Computer, 1,916.62, se; Carter’s Home Hardware & Appliance, 992.26, su; City of Alliance, 11.49, se; Copier Connection, Inc., 115.00, se; Criminal Addiction Inc., 300.00, ex; Curtis Blue Line, 37.58, su; Darren’s Carquest Auto Parts, 899.78, su; Docu-Shred LLC, 60.00, se; Dollar General-Charged Sales, 99.28, su; Eakes Inc., 3,108.10, se; Environmental Systems Research, 5,290.00, ex; Erik Hascall, 2,300.00, se; Fairfield Inn & Suites – Kearney, 330.00, ex; Farm Plan, 1,341.08, su; Gary’s Graphics, 15.50, su; Grainger, 454.74, su; Heartland Diesel, 1,491.45, se; Ideal Linen Inc., 543.24, se; Jack’s Refrigeration Inc., 82.10, se; K. L. Wood & Company LLC, 52,415.00, se; Kaiser Tire, 440.00, se; Kinsco LLC, 158.00, su; L. L. Johnson Distribution Company, 2,076.12, su; MEAN, 763,628.20, ex; Melisa Brass, 1,248.00, se; Murphy Tractor, 325.84, ex; NE Dept of Environment And Energy, 40.00, ex; NE Public Health Environmental Lab, 659.00, se; Nebraska Total Office, 218.40, su; O’reilly Auto Parts, 231.38, su; Paylocity Corporation, 4,084.94, se; Postmaster, 3,000.00, ex; PREMA, 446.77, ex; Quadient Finance USA Inc., 1,410.00, ex; Qwest – Phoenix, 552.03, se; Rasmussen Mechanical Services, 1,006.25, se; Red Beard Garage, 12,810.54, se; SCS Aquaterra, 1,475.00, se; Special Stitches, 71.00, se; Steph’s Studio, Inc., 25.33, su; Steve’s Lite Truck Inc., 728.44, ex; Stuart C. Irby CO, 311.10, su; Studio A, 40.00, ex; Sturdevant’s Auto Parts, 406.08, su; Triangle Electric Inc., 2,394.71, ex; USA Blue Book, 2,703.81, su; WESTCO, 3,218.98, ex; Zoll Medical Corporation, 680.00, su; Firstbank Card, 165.47, ex; Monte Weisgerber, 491.78, re; Employee Salaries, 231,146.31, sa; US Treasury, 16,907,99, ex; Principal Financial, 12,877.82, ex; ICMA, 327.88, ex;
Grand Totals: 1,162,204.40