Notice is hereby given that CEJ Subcontracting, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska.
1. Name. The name of the Limited Liability Company shall be CEJ Subcontracting, LLC.
2. Duration. The period of duration of the Company shall be perpetual.
3. Purpose. To do any lawful act concerning any and all lawful business, other than banking or insurance, for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of Nebraska.
4. Designated Office. The address of the designated office for business of the Company in Nebraska is: 7310 Perkins Road, Alliance, NE 69301.
5. Designated Agent. The name and address of the Company’s designated agent for service of process in Nebraska is: Aaron A. Wood, 7310 Perkins Road, Alliance, NE 69301.
6. Management. Management of the Company shall be vested in its members in proportion to their contribution of the capital to the Company, as adjusted from time to time to properly reflect any contributions or withdrawals by its members.
Matthew Watson, NSBA # 24735
Crites, Shaffer, Connealy, Watson,
Patras & Watson, P.C., L.L.O.
201 E. Third, PO Box 1070
Chadron, NE 69337
(308) 432-3339
January 8, 2025, January 15, 2025, January 22, 2025