NRD Partners with CSC on Range Day

The Upper Niobrara White Natural Resources District (UNWNRD) will again partner with Chadron State College (CSC) & C.F. Coffee Family Foundation to hold the Annual Range Day at the Student Center on the CSC Campus on Wednesday, January 18th, 2023. “Anyone interested in improving their range health or learning more about the importance of a healthy range ecosystem, is encouraged to attend the Range Day,” noted Pat O’Brien, UNWNRD General Manager.

The Range Day is a one-day, educational event with past presentations on anything from prescribed burning and long-range weather forecasts, to range monitoring technology and drones. There will be a free lunch for all those in attendance, provided by the C.F. Coffee Family Foundation and the Nebraska Environmental Trust.

See the agenda below for the list of speakers lined up for the 2023 Range Day!

Please plan to attend the Annual UNWNRD Range Day on January 18th, 2023 beginning at 8:30 a.m. in the Scottsbluff Room of the CSC Student Center. Please direct any questions to Pat O’Brien at or call 308-432-6190.

8:30 Coffee and Donuts — Sponsored by P.R.I.D.E.

9:00 Drought Management— Justin Derner, USDA-ARS

10:00 Adding Yearlings to the Cow-calf Enterprise for Drought Mitigation

or Income Diversification —Aaron Berger, UNL-Extension

11:00 Break

11:15 Holistic Planned Grazing – Pat Guptil, Wall, SD

12:15 Lunch — Sponsored by C. F. Coffee Gallery with support from B. & V. Coffee

Family Foundation

1:15 Hedging, Marketing Risk Management; Who do you talk to? –

Wacey Kirkpatrick, Hayes SD