The Nebraska Wheat Board (NWB) is now accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year Ambassador Program. The goal of the NWB Ambassador Program is to develop college-aged students into better advocates and leaders in agriculture and to help them grow both personally and professionally. The program consists of ambassadors participating in promotional events, school visits, career exploration and much more. Upon completion of the program, ambassadors will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship.
Applications are open to any full-time student enrolled in a Nebraska post-secondary school. Students need to complete the application and submit a resume, letters of reference and a copy of their current transcripts. The application deadline is May 31, 2023, at 11:59 PM. Program details and the application can be found online at, under “About Us, Student Ambassador Program” tabs. For more information on the program, reach out to Jadyn Heckenlively at or by phone at (402) 471-4872.
The Nebraska Wheat Board administers the excised tax of 0.5% of net value of wheat marketed in Nebraska at the point of first sale. The board invests the funds in programs of international and domestic market development and improvements, policy development, research, promotion, and education.