Overcoming Obstacles

Hitting your target can sometimes require practice and most likely involve overcoming obstacles you never anticipated. Since being recognized as a 501 (C) 3 non-profit in 2006, East Point Horspice continually strives to aim at the target of being the place where people and horses come together for the benefit of all involved. While unseen obstacles have risen over the years, the driving force that moves this program forward continues to be the horses and the incredible relationships they have created with the riders, volunteers and families who have chosen to witness the horses in action. This can accurately be described as the basis for the passion that is the lifeblood of EPH.

If you’re a roper, I’m betting you can easily recall the struggles you fought early on when you were still beating the ground and yourself with the rope instead of throwing a glorious loop over the horns of a speeding steer. While the action of throwing the rope is a mechanical process to be fine-tuned, when speeding down the arena floor you also had to develop a partnership with the 1000-pound locomotive under your saddle to help you get in position. The more you practiced the smoother the results came and eventually your proficiency boosted a confidence allowing this obstacle to be but a memory. You were honing a skill with the rope and, perhaps more importantly, deepening the working relationship with your silent partner who willingly assisted at every contest, loaded in the trailer and rode as many long hours as you did, then stood quietly tied while you checked the standings or ate a hamburger. The effort required to arrive at, afford, and participate in weekend ropings might seem Herculean, but this was your passion and the decision to do so was really not a problem. There are worse ways for a guy to spend his money, right? Besides, you get to spend time with your horse and your friends. The obstacles you encountered at the beginning of this journey don’t seem so daunting and now you can enjoy the game instead of struggling.

In fact, taking a moment to reminisce about things that were once considered an obstacle in our everyday adventures might lead to a lengthy list over a lifetime. Whatever endeavor you pursue, you most likely had to practice to get better and hopefully you don’t stop chasing perfection. If you have trouble sticking with a particular interest, perhaps you haven’t found the spark to fuel this passion, yet. Regardless, involving a horse will undoubtedly make this thing we call life more rewarding as you accept the challenge to practice aiming at your chosen target. Finding a passion isn’t always simple, but if you think involving horses might a choice for you, contact EPH at eph@bbc.net and let’s see if you can put that rope right where you meant to throw.