Panhandle Girl Scouting: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Girl Scouting

Even though our world has been turned a little upside-down, that hasn’t stopped local Girl Scouts from continuing to make the world a better place. From restocking the food pantry to writing out Christmas cards for the Veteran’s hospital, our girls never stop. I’m thrilled to highlight their service, friendships and hard work. Please join me each week for a glimpse of Girl Scouts in action!

My name is Krista Blumanthal and I am a Program Specialist for the Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska Council. I’ve created relevant programming and incredible trips for girls across the entire state of Nebraska for almost 8 years. I adore my job!

My daughter, Chloe has been a Girl Scout since 1 st grade and has earned her Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. This type of dedication has opened-up many doors for her and it can do the same for your girls too!

We are so much more than cookies and crafts. We are entrepreneurs, go-getters, innovators, risk-takers

and leaders. We change girls from within while skill-building, s’more-eating and adventure-taking. If you have any questions about how you can join Girl Scouts call me at 760-6402 or check out our website at