People Will Not Forget How Board Handled Pandemic

Our Alliance School Board is about power, being infamous, and being in the limelight. This is nothing about the kids and the schools they are supposed to serve. This is about getting in the news. This is all about politics before science and public health. They will not listen to anybody that is concerned about our school kids, teachers, and health of the community.

Alliance School Board has become a joke of the Panhandle where they bring in people to give lessons on the Holocaust, support voodoo science, and whiners to support their bull.

The Alliance School Board is willing put their careers and reputations at risk by their action or in actions and people will remember this pandemic and how Alliance School Board handled it and people will not forget.

As we begin the long winter, we will see if the pandemic gets worse or better in our community. I bet it gets worse with these asinine people in charge, who are willing to risk our kids, teachers, and the communities health to prove their asinine views as the pandemic get worse across the state and the nation.

-Stephen Guy
