Poetry 101

Calving season begins in March on many ranches, and March is often our snowiest month. This poem was written years, ago when I was involved in the daily duties that go with calving season. It’s now the job of younger and more able family members, but I miss it, even when conditions are as described below.





The white devil swirls

In unrelenting madness,

Stealing breath from nostrils,

Strength from the spirit,

And hope from my soul.


So, this is spring!

Blind rage sends me

Stumbling to the barn

Under a ninety-pound burden

Of next year’s promise, praying…

Begging mama to follow.


But the cows are oblivious

To mother instinct. Tails turned

Northwest, heads lowered,

Eyes crusted over, they wait

Numbly, for the end. To them

I’m as good as invisible.


Rub him dry. Go look for more.

Daylight’s showin’ at the door.

I brush away icy tears;

Tired seeps into my bones.

I dream of steaming coffee

And uninterrupted sleep.


c Lyn Messersmith 2003