Poetry 101

My 6th grade teacher drilled us on freedoms, but with the caveat that, “your freedom ends at the end of my nose.” I think of that often in these days of controversy over climate change, reparations, what we are allowed to say, what should be taught in schools, what constitutes hate speech, and which lives matter.

First Amendment rights are crucial, and although my ears hurt from obscenities and snarky comments in the media, and I sometimes wish someone’s mic would be turned off, everyone deserves his or her chance to speak. This poem was written in the knowledge that it is our response to those comments that matter most.


Hate Speech


Quiet isn’t always peace.

Sitting down and shutting up

is a pathway to prison

but spewing obscenities

is not how freedom flourishes.

When rants run amuck

Violence eventually follows.


The past we step into

offers choices. What stands before us

is a crossroad. Will we stay stuck

in the never-ending shade,

or walk into the light of hope?

Either choice requires speaking out

but soft answers

still turn away wrath.


c Lyn Messersmith