Point of Rock Chapter NSDAR April Minutes

Point of Rock Chapter met in the home of Dorothy Carnine for a dessert meeting April 1, 2023 at 1pm.

There were 5 members present.

Our meeting was called to order by Regent Audrey Hoerler, leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and the opening ritual.

President General’s Message: She is grateful for each member of DAR for advancing Historic Preservation, Education, and Patriotism. A new initiative is announced to “add 4 more by 24!: to each chapter. Let’s rejoice in our DAR ties of service and friendship.

Indian Minutes: Sequoyah, also known as George Geist, was a Cherokee of mixed blood, with a German father and Native American mother. He was raised in the Cherokee culture and supposedly never learned English. After a crippling accident, he devised an alphabet of the Cherokee language that was made up of about 80 characters. It was enthusiastically accepted and widely studied. Many Cherokees became literate, and in 1828 the first Native American weekly newspaper was printed. The Inaugural issue included Sequoyah’s thoughts promoting Cherokee ideal of independent sovereignty.

National Defense Report: on October 5, 2022, Col. Nicole Mann became the first female member of the Marine Corps to command a NASA spaceflight. She also became the first Native American woman to go into space. Selected by NASA in 2013, Mann launched to the International Space Station as Commander of NASA’s SpaceX crew-5 mission aboard the SpaceX crew Dragon spacecraft.

The CA native holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the Naval Academy, and a MS in the same from Sanford University. She a Colonel in the US Marine Corps and served as a test pilot in the F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet. She deployed twice aboard aircraft carriers in Iraq and Afghanistan where she flew 47 combat missions.

Secretary’s Report was accepted as read.

Correspondence: We are invited to to the “America 250! Patriot Marker” Dedication Sunday May 14 at 10AM at the Nebraska Veterans Cemetery at Alliance Hosted by Sandhills Chapter,NSDAR.

Business: the $2000 Eda Hemple DAR Scholarship applications need to be turned into the Chapter by April 24, 2023.

Program was presented by Cris and Charlie Mae Carnine playing the guitar and fiddle. We enjoyed them very much, their numbers were just what we needed to hear to lift our spirits.

The Chapter thanked Dorothy for being the hostess. Our next meeting will be at the home of Linda Sutphen, May 6, 2023, her niece Pepper Roberson will be our hostess.

Meeting Adjourned at 2:30 p.m.